Saturday, February 9, 2008

Drink the Wine, Not the Glass.

ok, so I am going to attempt to put something else up here besides pics all the time.  Here is a strange dream i had last night, maybe you can help interpret it.

I dreamed I was at a party in a complex like the campus housing at Marist, and I was outside with people, drinking from a champagne glass when I realize half the glass is gone and it's in my mouth.  So, I start taking the pieces of glass out of my mouth trying not to swallow anything.   I get the chunks of glass out of my mouth, and then i get water to rinse my mouth and there is even MORE glass in there now, little pieces with sharp jagged edges.  No matter what i try, or how much glass i get out, there is still more.  The glass pieces keep filling up in my mouth, and i am trying not to choke on them, or cut up the inside of my mouth.  It was so uncomfortable, and i was wondering how this happened and where it was all coming from.  

So, I googled this when i woke up and another guy's blog came up with a really similar dream, but no interpretation really, and this is all i found from one dream interpretation site:  "To dream you are eating glass highlights your vulberability, confusion and frailty.  You may have difficulties in communicating your thoughts across and getting the right words out."

hmmmm....i guess it could be worse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't bite off more than you can chew. At least not while your rocking out Austin, Texas! Hahaha! Yes!